
Gratis webinar: ​​​​​​​Simple ways to tackle stress and burn-out in your team

Helping your team cope with stress and burn-out

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“Simple ways to tackle stress and burn-out in your team”

Monday september 19th at 13h30

Today, more than ever, employees are under pressure and have been for quite some time. Prolonged unhealthy stress can lead to burn-out and that’s something you want to avoid in your team.

Luckily, there is a lot that organisations and team leaders can do to support employees through intense work periods, make them aware of the risks, encourage self-care and support them when the early signs of stress appear.

In this inspiration session with certified coach and CHO, Pauline Nguyen, will share hands-on tips and do’s and don’ts for leaders and team managers to deal with stress and burn-out in their teams.

Based on this webinar, you will
– be able to recognize stress overload and early burn-out signals and prevent a negative spiral
– know how to support your team with the right communication and information on coping mechanisms

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